Thursday, February 18, 2010

About Last Night

So this is a personal story about what happened in our house last night.

Let me start off by saying that I am 7 months pregnant (with our first child) and on bed rest for high blood pressure. My sweet husband has had to take over all of my wifely duties including taking our dog to the vet.

So...the hubby takes our sweet 3 yr. old dog to the vet yesterday morning for his yearly shots. It was a nice quick trip for them and everything went very smooth. The dog and I hung out for a few hours while the hubby went and played a round of golf. Everything seemed fine. The dog slept a lot (although looking back he did go in a different room from me which is a bit unusual) and maybe scratched a little at this point. The hubby returned home around 4 p.m. and started cooking us some dinner around 5:45p.m.

Around this time we both started noticing that our dog was scratching a lot and shaking his head like crazy. He just seemed like he couldn't get relief. I start joking how he caught something at the vet. He was really in some kind of agony. All of the sudden the hubby starts looking at the dog in a very curious way and totally freaks out!! He starts saying that he is having an allergic reaction and his whole face and head are swelling. You could barely see his eyes. So now we are both freaking out!! We think he has been bit by some kind of insect (although it is like 20 degrees outside).

The dog will not sit still. He keeps scratching at the bedroom door and we will not let him in there because we think he is wanting to get away from us so he can go die...not funny but that is seriously what we thought. We slip him 2 benadryl and I call the emergency vet. The vet tells us he is having a reaction to the vaccinations and to give him one more benadrly and if that doesn't work bring him in for a steroid shot. We do as they say and he stops scratching within minutes. At this point we are completely relieved. The swelling starts to go down some but not completely. Actually the swelling did not go down completely until this morning.

He is much better today and looks normal again. My husband and I have now realized that we are going to be the "freak" parents...LOL!!! He says "if I freaked out like that over our dog how am I going to act about our kid?" We got a laugh later thinking back on how freaked out we were but at least we know we are quick on our feet!

Below is a recent article about pet reactions to vaccinations: Would have been nice to know this before yesterday!!

Article about pet vaccinations.


  1. CONGRATULATIONS on your first child! How very excited you must be. I'm so sorry you're confined to bed. At least you have this Master's program to keep your mind working.

    What a traumatic experience for your dog and you and your husband. How's that blood pressure now? Yikes. I also totally freak out when my dog is sick...but I tend to be calmer when my children are sick. Of course there was the one time when my daughter (about 12 months at the time) was chewing on a plastic clothes hanger and got the hook stuck behind her tonsil. It would not come out no matter which way we turned it. I panicked pretty good that day! She's 5 years old now, so all is well.

  2. Thanks! I actually remained fairly calm...I not sure how calm I could remain with the hanger ordeal though!!! Good to hear all went well!!!
